Medical Alert Systems: Benefitting More Than Just Seniors

Unfortunately, a medical emergency can happen to anyone, not just elderly people. In fact, it’s a widespread misconception that only seniors can benefit from a medical alert system. However, a medical alert bracelet or pendant can be extremely useful for anyone with a fragile health condition or a chronic disease. Especially if you have an existing or chronic medical condition, a medical alert system is extremely useful to have to protect yourself in the event of a medical emergency.
In this article, we'll describe what a medical alert system is. Then we'll take a look at some populations aside from seniors who will find medical alert systems helpful.
What is a medical alert system?
A medical alert system is a simple-to-use emergency alert that offers peace of mind to individuals, caregivers, and loved ones. These systems come with a wearable device such as a medical alert bracelet, pendant, or belt clip with a button. You simply press the button if you're experiencing a medical emergency requiring medical assistance or if you need any kind of immediate help. The pressed button sends a radio signal to the base unit in your home. This base connects directly to a 24/7-manned monitoring office that you can speak with via two-way communication.
You can tell them what your problem is just by speaking out loud since the bracelet or pendant will communicate with the base and therefore with the monitoring station. The trained monitoring staff will make a quick assessment of your situation and send the help that you need for your problem. Even if you're in a situation where you can't speak, pressing the button alerts the monitoring station that there is an issue, and they will immediately dispatch help.
To help you remain independent, most devices are waterproof. This allows you to shower, swim, be out in the rain, and do dishes freely. Many medical alert systems offer extensive additional features such as mobile options so you can use the system when you're out of the house. Most systems also offer GPS tracking, medication reminders, alerts for caretakers, and more.
Who can benefit from a medical alert system?
People of all ages and health statuses can take advantage of the sense of security that a medical alert bracelet offers. Some of these groups of people who can benefit from one of the top medical alert systems available are:
Anyone recovering from surgery
Surgeries can come with difficult recoveries and long, challenging rehabilitation processes. This is especially the case if you already suffer from a pre-existing disabling condition. As someone who is post-surgery, it's of the utmost importance that you follow your doctor's post-surgery instructions. Be aware that you shouldn't push yourself too hard and risk injury or recovery setbacks.
A medical alert bracelet or pendant can automatically detect a fall and have help dispatched immediately. Systems like LifeStation and Medical Guardian can also connect to a reliable neighbor or relative of your choice to let them know that you're in need of help. A medical alert device can also ping you with reminders about when it's the right time to take your medications.
People with serious allergies
Another group of people who may need the ability to get help quickly is those with serious allergies. Allergies are the 6th biggest cause of chronic illness in the U.S. For this reason, it's increasingly important to ensure allergy sufferers can get immediate medical attention.
What makes allergies more dangerous than most medical conditions is the sensitivity level many allergy sufferers have. Even a tiny exposure to peanuts or wheat for some people can lead to dangerous reactions. Though Epipens are increasingly available for use during severe allergic reactions, they can be a huge strain on the average person's budget. In addition, you may be in a situation where you can't quickly access the Epipens you have. It's also unrealistic to assume that you'll have one on your person at every moment. A medical alert bracelet can save the day by connecting you with an emergency respondent who can dispatch help within seconds.
Those with chronic or serious medical conditions
Anyone who has a high-risk disease that is difficult to manage should consider a medical alert system. If you can't afford round-the-clock care or don't have local family, a medical alert system can be invaluable. This is particularly true if you're living alone.
People who suffer from severe asthma, insulin-dependent diabetes, epilepsy, or sickle cell disease are at serious risk if they don't get immediate help during a health crisis. When aggravated, any of these or other serious medical conditions can lead to life-threatening situations. With a medical alert bracelet or pendant, medical help is available with just a push of a button.
Anyone taking medications with serious side effects
Some people have to take medication that can lead to undesirable or even debilitating side effects. This can include uncontrollable drowsiness, dizziness, hallucinations, or even fainting. Any of these serious side effects can result in a dangerous fall or other bodily injuries. A life alert bracelet can help in these instances by helping you get quick medical attention.
Another issue related to this is the risk of bad medication cross-reactions. Especially for people who are required to take several different medications, dangerous drug interactions are a possibility. Always be sure to check with your doctors about any possible risks of taking all your medications in combination.
You may need to take certain medications at a particular time of day to avoid any interactions or side effects. A medical alert system with medication reminders can be very useful in these situations.
Women with high-risk pregnancies
Pregnant women are also prime candidates for medical alert systems. Any mom-to-be with a chronic condition, a blood disorder, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, or who is required to be on bed rest can benefit from a medical alert bracelet. These conditions can be scary and may require immediate medical assistance. A medical alert system can provide peace of mind that help is always nearby.
Since medical emergencies can happen at any time to anyone, they are useful for a wide range of people, not just the elderly. There are numerous situations where having access to immediate medical help with just a press of a button can be life-saving. Whether you are convalescing after serious surgery, have allergies, or any other conditions mentioned above, a medical alert system can offer invaluable comfort in case of emergencies.
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