How to Enjoy Safe Travels With Your MAS

Medical alert systems have come a long way. What was once a life-saving housebound technology for seniors and those with disabilities is now a wearable technology with mobile functions that allows for independence and travel. Many seniors today are enjoying safe travels to all parts of the world with the help of their mobile medical alert systems.
The advance in technology of medical alert systems keeps growing and this means bigger and better benefits. If you thought traveling was out of the question for you, then you found this article at the right time. The following is a guide on how to enjoy safe travels with your MAS.
Choosing a Medical Alert System for Traveling
Choosing the right system for your future travel plans isn’t as easy as it looks. There is a growing list of MAS companies to choose from. How do you know which is the right one?
From medical alert systems with GPS to coverage area and comfort, there is a lot to keep in mind. The following is a list of the most essential features to look for to ensure travel safety.
Mobile Medical Alert Battery Life
Your MAS should have a long battery life if you want to travel with it. Batteries for medical alert system mobile units can range from 24 hours to 5-day charges. Your choice will depend on the kind of traveling you do and how often you’ll be able to charge your unit.
Make Sure There is a GPS
GPS is a crucial part of any mobile MAS. This is especially true if you’re planning a road trip. You might wonder, why not just get a cell phone, right? Cell phones are mobile and have GPS tracking devices in them. Since you likely already have one, it seems like the perfect solution.
Cell phones are great but they don’t even come close in comparison with mobile MAS features.
They have everything covered. With peace of mind like that, those long hours on the road won’t be so stressful for you or your family.
Coverage Area
GPS medical alert systems are great, as long as they work. But some companies have a broader coverage area than others. You will want to check that out to see if your destination will be covered. Also, make sure they have plans to expand their coverage area in the future.
One aspect that’s always overlooked is comfort. Consider how comfortable your MAS mobile unit will be. What does the company offer? Do they have wearable units like a medical alert necklace or a medical alert watch?
Comfort is one of those things that seems like something you can sacrifice for the sake of saving money but in the long run, it ends up being a vital part of your travel safety.
This is important because any unit that is big and bulky or hard to have on your person while you enjoy your trip will basically be useless. You won’t feel compelled to bring it with you on day trips and it won’t be easy to make it a top priority.
Travel Safety Tips
Now that you have your mobile medical alert system, there are some other things to remember when traveling. Having a health condition isn’t the life-stopping anchor it used to be but you do have to make sure you plan ahead for any trip to make sure you get the best medical help on your journey.
Check-In With Your Doctor
Always let your doctor know that you will be traveling so that you two can organize and make sure that any medication and medical needs will be covered while you’re away. The CDC recommends arranging a doctor visit 4 - 6 weeks before traveling.
Pack Strategically
Make sure you have enough medication to supply you for the length of time your gone plus a little more in case there are any delays or reschedules. It’s also a good idea to put a few days worth of medication in your carry on in case any delays make it difficult to access your checked luggage.
Carry Basic Health Information
Medical identification jewelry, letters from your medical team, and an emergency medication that you might need should be on you and any caregiver traveling with you at all times. This ensures that if you are incapacitated for any reason, you’ll get the proper emergency care that you need.
Additionally, it’s vitally important that you carry your travel insurance information with you. If you end up needing an ambulance or a hospital while incapacitated, it can mean the difference between getting immediate care or being shipped to a different medical facility.
Consider Joining a Senior Travel Club
Senior travel groups are highly recommended for several reasons.
- They provide senior and group discounts you might not find on your own.
- Senior travel groups offer more opportunities to make new friends since the people in the group will be close to your age and have shared experiences.
- They schedule activities that cater to the group’s interests.
- There is a large variety of themed tours and adventures.
- Learning and expanding your experience is important for keeping your mind sharp.
- There is safety in numbers.
As you can see, there is a lot to do before you take that trip. But don’t worry, with a medical alert system and response team behind you, you’ll be prepared for any emergency. As long as you pay attention to the mobile features that work for you and follow basic travel safety tips, you can be confident and have fun. And if you’re family and friends start to get worried, let them know they can relax because you know how to enjoy safe travels with your MAS.
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Rachel Rumbelow
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